Announcements Member Announcements Thank you Blockbuster Pavilion and Mike Fox Limousine for you support and donations to the Gaston Chamber of Commerce! Make a Difference in a Child’s Life…Mentor!!!
The Professional Women’s
Association will meet on August 8th at 12:00 noon at the Gaston
Chamber of Commerce. This
month’s program will be presented
by Sharon Pendergast with CaroMont Health Care.
Call today to make
reservations. Membership
Drive Nets over 90 The
Gaston Chamber’s 2000 Membership Drive netted over 90 new members.
Although the campaign has concluded, new memberships are still coming
in and the total is increasing! Five
teams of volunteers participated in the campaign.
Placing first in terms of attracting the most new membership revenue
was Calvin Hastings of WGNC/The Piedmonts Superstations.
Placing second was Charles Graham of BB&T.
Rafael Manjarrez of Cedeno Enterprise led the team that brought in the
most new members.
Other team captains for the campaign were: Harry Washington of The
Wellness Plan of North Carolina, Jason Bradley of BB&T, Jo Ann LaVecchia
of Prudential Carolinas Realty, and Hope Stout of Gaston Federal Bank!
Thank you to all that participated! Also,
special thanks to the following: L
& M Travel, WGNC/The Piedmonts Superstations, AT&T
Wireless, Comfort Suites, Mike Fox Limousine, James
Arthur’s, The Blue Dog, Blockbuster Pavilion, Choice
USA, Woodbridge Golf Links, Duke Power, Bush Transportation Thanks
to all the prize sponsors, and to all the campaign participants!
Leadership Gaston AlumniWe would like to hear from you if you have had a change of address since you participated in Leadership Gaston please give us a call at 864-2621. Ribbon Cuttings Gaston Gourmet Market held
their ribbon cutting on June 29. Gaston
Gourmet is located at 3270 Robinwood Road, Gastonia. If you are interested in having a ribbon cutting for your business, please contact Melanie Bumgardner at the Gaston Chamber (704) 864-2621. Pinnix,
Inc.- General Contractors has been
awarded a construction contract to build a new sanctuary, classrooms, and
offices for Family Worship Center Church of God in Kings Mt., NC. Work on the
17,6000 SF project is scheduled for completion in March 2001. Pinnix,
Inc.- General Contractors has been
awarded a construction contract to build a new administration area and dining
room expansions to Stanley Total Living Center in Stanley, NC. Business after Hours Business after
Hours was held on June 29, 2000 at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden.
Close to 200 people attended. If you are interested in hosting Business after Hours during 2001, please contact Melanie Bumgardner at the Gaston Chamber of Commerce (704) 864-2621.
The Gaston Chamber of Commerce
Phone: 704-864-2621 Toll Free: 1-800-348-8461 |
Copyright © 1999-2000, The
Gaston Gazette, The Shelby Star.
A Freedom Communications, Inc., Company.
All rights reserved.