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Jerry W. Cochrane

(704) 732-3848


Beth Saine
(704) 735-4810

Thomas Anderson
(704) 483-3229

John R. Gamble
(704) 735-5452

Larry S. Craig
(704) 732-6379

Lincoln County, North Carolina
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Lincoln.GIF (35280 bytes)

Population: 1997 estimate: 60,000
Tax rate:
51 cents per $100 valuation
County Government

Lincoln County offices are located at 115 W. Main St. Office Hours are: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Lincoln Medical Center: Located on John Gamble Drive in Lincolnton, the 101-bed hospital has a 24-hour emergency room and recently underwent a multi-million renovation and expansion.
Phone: (704) 735-3071.


Water Service: For Lincoln County residents, call (704) 736-8497. For residents in eastern Lincoln County, call (704) 483-7082.

Electric Service: Residents living outside Lincolnton are serviced by Duke Power, (704) 735-8251 or Rutherford Electric Cooperative, (704) 735-5381.

Natural Gas: Piedmont Natural Gas, (704) 735-3019.


The Employment Security Commission provides job information to applicants and employers looking for workers.

Address: 529 N. Aspen St.

Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Call: (704) 735-8035.


N.C. License Plate Agency. Address: 646 Center Drive, Lincolnton. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Phone: (704) 735-0018

N.C. Driver’s License Office. Address: 1450 N. Aspen St, Lincolnton. Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Phone: (704) 735-6923.


Property taxes are paid at the Lincoln County Tax Listing Offices, located in the first floor of the Lincoln County Courthouse, 1 Court Square, Lincolnton.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 938, Lincolnton 28093.

Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

Call (704) 736-8550.


Voter Registration
Lincoln Citizens Center, 115 W. Main St.

Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Call: (704) 736-8480


Lincolnton-Lincoln County Regional Airport features a 5,200-foot, paved, lighted runway.

Address: 716 Airport Drive, Iron Station

Call: (704) 735-0602


Economic Development
Two organizations promote economic development in Lincoln County:

Lincolnton-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce.
Address: 101 E. Main St.
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Call: (704) 735-3096.

Lincoln Economic Development Association
Address: 127 E. Congress St., Lincolnton.
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Call: (704) 732-1511.


Telephone Service

For information on home phone service, call BellSouth at (704) 780-2355. For information on business phone service, call BellSouth at (704) 780-2800.


Charles R. Jonas Library
Open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Address: 306 W. Main St., Lincolnton.
Call: (704) 735-8044

East Lincoln Branch
Address: 1251 Highway 16, Denver.
Hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.
Call: (704) 483-3589.

Lincoln County Museum of History
403 E. Main St., Lincolnton
Open 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday. Admission free. Call (704) 732-9055.

Lincoln Cultural Center
403 E. Main St.
Lincolnton 28092
(704) 732-9055

Parks and Recreation
East Lincoln County, Optimist Club Road. Features two T-ball fields and a multi-purpose soccer/football field.


Asbury Elementary, 197 Salem Church Road, (704) 735-2505

Battleground, 201 Jeb Seagle Road, (704) 735-3146

Catawba Springs, 206 N. Little Egypt Road, Denver (704) 483-2404

G.E. Massey, 1435 E. Main St., (704) 735-2322

Iron Station, 4207 E. No. 27 Hwy., (704) 735-0441

North Brook, 3633 N. No. 16 Hwy., Denver (704) 483-2281

Lowder, 350 Kennedy Drive, (704) 735-2741

Love Memorial, 1463 Love Memorial School, (704) 735-5649

Union, 4875 Reepsville Road, Vale (704) 276-1493

Pumpkin Center, 3970 King Wilkinson Road, (704) 736-1394

West Lincoln, 260 Shoal Road, (704) 276-1760

East Lincoln, 4137 No. 73 Hwy., (704) 732-0761

Lincolnton, 301 Jeb Seagle Drive, (704) 735-1120

Pumpkin Center, 3980 King Wilkinson Road, (704) 736-0262

High School
East Lincoln, 6471 No. 73 Hwy., Denver, (704) 483-5681

Lincolnton High School, 803 N. Aspen St., (704) 735-3089

West Lincoln High, 172 Shoal Road, (704) 276-1402

School of Technology, 1 Timken Place, (704) 732-4084

School administration, 353 N. Generals Blvd., (704) 732-2261

Private Schools
Chrysalis (Pre-School), 206 N. Little Egypt Road, (704) 483-0799

Lincoln Charter School, 1387 W. Highway 27, (704) 736-9888

Gaston College – Lincoln Campus
511 S. Aspen St., Lincolnton
(704) 748-1040

County Officials

County Manager
Stan Kiser

(704) 736-8471

(704) 736-8403

(704) 736-8480

Cooperative Extension
(704) 736-8452

Economic Develop.
(704) 732-1511

Emergency Services
(704) 736-8511

(704) 736-8485

(704) 735-3001

(704) 732-9040

(704) 735-2671

Register of Deeds
(704) 736-8530

Social Services
(704) 732-0738

Solid Waste
(704) 732-9030

Tax Supervisor
(704) 736-8542

County Engineer
(704) 736-8497

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The Gaston Chamber of Commerce
601 W. Franklin Blvd.
Gastonia, North Carolina 28052

Phone: 704-864-2621
Toll Free: 1-800-348-8461
Fax: 704-854-8723


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A Freedom Communications, Inc., Company.  All rights reserved.