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City Council

Phyllis Friday
(704) 735-7806

Sonia Roseberry
(704) 732-7928

Tim Keener
(704) 735-5219

James Montgomery
(704) 732-2941

Craig Roseberry
(704) 735-7928

Ricky Thompson
(704) 922-5639

High Shoals, North Carolina
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 High Shoals

Incorporated: 1973

Roots: Built up around foundry established by John Fulenwider.

Population: 1997 estimate: 615

Tax rate: 43 cents per $100 valuation

City Offices

City Hall, 109 Thompkins St. Phone: (704) 735-1651. FAX: (704) 735-5595. Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The City Council meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at city hall.

Trash Service
Trash pickup on Fridays only by Waste Management, 2712 Lowell Road, Ranlo. Phone: (704) 824-4337.


Pay water and sewer bills at City Hall, 101 Thompkins St., P.O. Box 6, High Shoals, or call, (704) 735-1651.

Post Office

511 N. Lincoln St., High Shoals. Phone: (704) 735-0721. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1:30 to 4:10 p.m. Monday through Friday; 8 to 10 a.m. Saturday.

Help for the needy

The Dallas/High Shoals Christian Social Ministry offers help to the needy in the area, providing free clothing and financial assistance for rent, utilities, medicine and food.
Address: 418 E. Trade St., Dallas 28034
Phone: (704) 922-1236


Community Park:
Located on School Street past the former High Shoals Elementary. Features ballfield and playground equipment, picnic area.

Last updated: 09/15/00

City Officials

(704) 735-5595

Fire Department
(704) 732-0818

Town Clerk
Linda Greene

(704) 735-1651

Water Plant
(704) 735-2910

(704) 735-1651

Pat Yarborough

(704) 735-2923

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The Gaston Chamber of Commerce
601 W. Franklin Blvd.
Gastonia, North Carolina 28052

Phone: 704-864-2621
Toll Free: 1-800-348-8461
Fax: 704-854-8723


Copyright © 1999-2000, The Gaston Gazette, The Shelby Star.
A Freedom Communications, Inc., Company.  All rights reserved.