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Crowders Mtn.
Neill Carson

(704) 844-6156

Gene Kimbro
(704) 263-8465

Greg Cox

(704) 435-2942

Heath R. Jenkins

(704) 263-3464

Phil Coyle

(704) 867-5510

Tom Keigher

(704) 865-4854

South Point
David Ward Jr.

(704) 864-0888


County Officials

County Police
(704) 866-3321

Animal Control
(704) 922-8677

Cooperative Extension Service
(704) 922-0301

Elections Office
(704) 864-4852

Gaston Library
(704)  868-2164

Museum of Art and History: 852-6025 for the 24-hour INFO-LINE .

Code Enforcement

(704) 866-3091

Recreation and Parks
(704) 922-8970

Department of Social Services
(704) 862-7500

Tax Collections
(704)  866-3067

Veterans Services
(704) 866-3606

Human Relations
(704) 866-3692

Emergency Management Services
(704) 866-3350

Emergency Medical Services
(704) 866-3212

Gaston Natural Resources
Conservation District

(704) 922-4181


Gaston County, North Carolina
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GASTON COUNTYbw.GIF (33805 bytes)

Population: 1999 estimate: 181,045

Tax rate: 82.5 cents per $100 valuation

County Offices - The Gaston County Administration Office is located at 212 W. Main Ave., Gastonia Office hours are: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Website: www.gastongov.org

Meetings: Regular meetings are held the second and fourth Thursdays. Work sessions are held on Tuesdays before the regular board meeting. Meetings are held at the Gaston County Courthouse, 325 N. Marietta St. Gastonia

Email: cocomm@gastongov.org

Contact Email Address

Police: tmccarthy@gastongov.org
Animal Control: rhorton@gastongov.org
Cooperative Extension: martha_burris@ncsu.edu
Elections: sgoepfert@gastongov.org
Library: cmoose@ncsl.der.state.nc.us
Museum of Art/History: bbrose@gastongov.org
Inspections / Code enforcement: dgarret@gastongov.org
Recreations / Park: bwilson@gastongov.org
Social Services: awentzy@gastongov.org
Tax collections: jgingham@gastongov.org
Veterans Service: mparham@gastongov.org
Human relations: humanrelations@loclnet.com
Emergency Management Services: jpharr@gcps.org
Emergency Medical Services: mlamphiear@gcps.org
Natural Resources: gmjones@gastongov.org

Public Schools
Gaston County has the sixth largest public school system in the state with more than 29,000 students. The school system has 51 schools.

For general information about Gaston County Public Schools, Call (704) 866-6118

Gaston Memorial Hospital is a 442-bed hospital with all private rooms. It serves residents of Gaston County and surrounding areas.

GMH’s parent company, Caromont Health, employs more than 2,600 people, making it one of the county’s largest employers. More than 250 doctors representing more than 30 medical specialties are members of Gaston Memorial’s medical staff. More than 100,000 patients are served each year.

For more information call (704) 834-2226

Voter Registration
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Address: 810 W. Mauney Avenue
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1396, Gastonia 28053
Phone: (704) 864-4852
Email: sgoepfert@gastonocv.org

South New Hope Recycling Center, Lake Wylie Road, drop-off for newspapers, cardboard, tin and aluminum cans, scrap metal, appliances, tires, waste oil, car batteries, plastic bottles, glass, antifreeze, textiles.

Crowders Creek Recycling Center, C.P. Groves Road, drop-off for newspapers, cardboard, tin and aluminum cans, scrap metal, appliances, tires, waste oil, car batteries, plastic bottles, glass, antifreeze, textiles.

Hardin Recycling Center, Philadelphia Church Road, Dallas, drop-off for newspapers, cardboard, tin and aluminum cans, scrap metal, appliances, tires, waste oil, car batteries, plastic bottles, glass, antifreeze, textiles.

Riverbend Recycling Center, Mount Holly, newspapers, cardboard, tin and aluminum cans, scrap metal, appliances, tires, waste oil, car batteries, plastic bottles, glass, antifreeze.

For more information, call Carol Beam, county recycling coordinator (704) 862-7502.

Address: 1555 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia

Hours: Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 to 6 p.m. on Sundays from September through May.

Circulation: (704) 868-2164
Overdue books: (704) 868-2164
Reference: (704) 868-2168
Children’s services: (704) 868-2165
Audiovisuals: (704) 868-2166
Administration : (704) 868-2167
Email: cmoose@ncsl.der.state.nc.us

Property Taxes
Pay county property tax bills at the Gaston County Administration Building
Address: 212 W. Main Ave., Gastonia
Call: (704) 866-3067
Email: jbingham@gastongov.org

Gastonia: The airport, run by the city of Gastonia, is located on Union Road and features a 2,500-foot lighted runway. Hangars are available.
Phone: (704) 864-4363

Charlotte: Charlotte Douglas International Airport is located just 20 minutes from Gaston County and serves as the hub for USAirways. It’s one of the southeast’s busiest airports.
Phone: (704) 359-4027

Emergency Phone Numbers for Gaston County Fire, Police and Ambulance: Dial 911

County Records
Real Estate: (704) 862-7681

Births, Deaths and Marriages:
(704) 862-7687
Email: abrown@gastongov.org

Medical Numbers - Gaston Memorial Hospital
(704) 834-2000

Gaston County Public Health Department
(704) 853-5000

City Halls

Belmont: (704) 825-5586
Bessemer City: (704) 629-5542
Cherryville: (704) 435-1709
Cramerton: (704) 824-4337
Dallas: (704) 922-3176
Gastonia: (704) 866-6719
High Shoals: (704) 735-1652
Kings Mountain: (704) 734-0333
Lowell: (704) 824-3518
McAdenville: (704) 824-3190
Mount Holly: (704) 827-3931
Ranlo: (704) 824-3461
Stanley: (704) 263-4779

License plates: (704) 864-4856
Drivers License: (704) 853-5372

Gaston’s Natural Resources

Land Area: 228,600 acres
Square Miles: 357
Water in areas less than 40 acres: 1,850 acres
Water in large lakes: 4,224 acres

Elevation Ranges from 587 feet in the southeast corner of the county to 1,705 feet at the pinnacle of the Kings Mountain Range in the southwest.

Drainage is from northwest to southeast, and most streams drain into the Catawba River or its major tributary, the South Fork Catawba River.

Gaston has 37 types of soils. The "Gaston soil series" was named after the county because of its unique and features that are most dominant only in Gaston County.


Last updated: 10-24-00


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Made in America Products


The Gaston Chamber of Commerce
601 W. Franklin Blvd.
Gastonia, North Carolina 28052

Phone: 704-864-2621
Toll Free: 1-800-348-8461
Fax: 704-854-8723


Copyright © 1999-2000, The Gaston Gazette, The Shelby Star.
A Freedom Communications, Inc., Company.  All rights reserved.