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City Council

Samuel C. Rhyne

(704) 922-4113

Tommy B. Ballard

(704) 923-0448

John L. Beaty
(704) 922-5869

Tommy L. Cline
(704) 922-3595

Rick Coleman
(704) 922-9221

Hoyle Withers
(704) 922-3882



Dallas, North Carolina
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 dallas.gif (26916 bytes)

Incorporated: 1863

Roots: Land donated by Jesse Holland for the courthouse of the new county.

Historic sites: Hoffman Hotel, which now houses the Gaston County Art and History Museum; Smyre-Pasour House, first mayor’s house, built in 1850.

Other claims to fame: Home of two Gaston Colleges, the first established in 1880s as a prep school, the second in 1963 as community college.

Population: 1998 estimate: 3,001

Tax rate: 35 cents per $100 valuation

Town Offices
210 N. Holland St. Phone: (704) 922-3176. FAX: (704) 922-4701. Office hours as 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mondays through Fridays

The Board of Alderman meets every second Tuesday at 7 p.m.

Trash Service
Trash pickup on West Side, Hill Street, and all of Gaston Street Wednesdays; 
East Side on Thursdays. 
Pickup by Cleanwell Sanitation 
(704) 263-5174 or (704) 483-1770.


Pay water and sewer bills at City Hall, 210 N. Holland Ave., (704) 922-3176.

Post Office

3151 Dallas-High Shoals Highway. Phone: (704) 922-3181


Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. Address: 105 S. Holland St. Phone: (704) 922-3621


Gaston County Museum of Art and History, located on the Dallas Court Square. Hours are Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; 4th Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. Museum administration (704) 922-7681; 24-hour INFO-LINE (704) 852-6025.

Help for the needy

The Dallas/High Shoals Christian Social Ministry offers help to the needy in the area, providing free clothing and financial assistance for rent, utilities, medicine and food.
Address: 214 N. Holland, Dallas
Phone: (704) 922-1236


Courthouse Square
Features a gazebo and park benches.

Play area
Corner of Church and Oakland Street. Features: Small playground, basket hoop, and benches.

Last updated: 10/18/00

City Officials

(704) 864-7396

Town Clerk
Nicholas Vlaservich

(704) 922-3176

(704) 922-3116

(704) 922-9961

(704) 922-9221

Tax Collection
(704) 922-3176

Asst. Town Clerk
Ruth G. Norris

(704) 922-3176

Zoning Officer
Charles Reese

(704) 922-3176

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The Gaston Chamber of Commerce
601 W. Franklin Blvd.
Gastonia, North Carolina 28052

Phone: 704-864-2621
Toll Free: 1-800-348-8461
Fax: 704-854-8723


Copyright © 1999-2000, The Gaston Gazette, The Shelby Star.
A Freedom Communications, Inc., Company.  All rights reserved.