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City Council

Cathy Biles

(704) 824-2688


Jeff Ramsey
(704) 825-9523

Willie Carter
(704) 824-1993

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Jacque Sumner
(704) 824-9391

Ronald Murphy (704) 825-3333

Powell Kidd
(704) 825-9908

Cramerton, NC

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Cramerton Map

Incorporated: 1967

Former names: Mayworth

Roots: Developed around May Mills

Historic sites: Former Cramerton Junior High, built in 1922, now used as school offices.

Famous sons: Stuart Cramer, who bought Mays Mill and turned it and the surrounding community into a model mill village.

Population: 1997 estimate: 2,479

Tax rate: 42½ cents per $100 valuation

Town Hall, 155 N. Main St. Office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Phone: (704) 824-4337

Town commissioners meet the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall.

Trash Service
Trash pickup on Fridays by Waste Management, 2712 Lowell Road, Ranlo, (704) 824-2011.


Pay water and sewer bills at Town Hall, 155 N. Main St., (704) 824-4337 or pay at BB&T Center St., (704) 852-5760.

Post Office

111 Center St., Cramerton, (704) 824-1305. Hours: 8:30 to noon, Mondays through Fridays; 8:30 to 11 a.m. Saturday.

Help for needy

The Cramerton Ministerial Relief Association Assists Cramerton area residents with food and utilities in emergency situations. Office hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Address: 235 Eighth Ave.
Phone: (704) 824-4286


Central Park
Washington Street. Features: Picnic shelter, playground, and walking track.

Lakewood Park
Greenwood Drive. Features: Playground, picnic tables, basketball and tennis courts.

Recreation Complex
1 Julian St. Features: Swimming pool, gymnasium, community center and senior center, athletic fields and walking track.

Riverside Park
Riverside Drive. Features: Basketball court and playground.

Riverside Greenway
Riverside Drive. An 8-foot wide, .6 mile-walking trail.

Last updated: 09/15/00

City Officials

Police Chief
David Young

(704) 824-7964

Cramerton, NC

(704) 824-3915

Town Clerk
LuAnn Ellis

(704) 824-4337

Cam Carpenter

(704) 824-4231

(704) 824-4337

Water Department
(704) 824-4337


Old Cramerton

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Sex Therapist Near Me


The Gaston Chamber of Commerce
601 W. Franklin Blvd.
Gastonia, North Carolina 28052

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Toll Free: 1-800-348-8461
Fax: 704-854-8723


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A Freedom Communications, Inc., Company.  All rights reserved.