Violence Shelters
Victims of domestic violence are
provided a safe emergency residence in Gaston County as a service of the
Gaston County Department of Social Services.
The Shelter of Gaston County is available
to victims who live in Gaston County and are in physically violent or
potentially violent situations.
Victims may enter when space is available.
In Lincoln County, residents may contact
Amy’s Home, shelter for victims of domestic violence.
The shelters are open 24 hours a day.
The telephone numbers for the shelters are:
Gaston County: (704) 866-3679, day; (704)
866-3300, night; and Police Department, (704) 852-6000.
Gastonia: (704) 865-2323
Lincoln County: (704) 736-0112
The Employment Security Commission provides job information to applicants
and employers, files and processes claims for unemployment benefits and
releases labor market data.
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
1391 Bessemer City Road, Gastonia 28053-1578
Phone: (704) 853-5328
Services for the Blind
The North Carolina Department of Human Resources offers vocational
rehabilitation, medical services and social service programs to those who
have vision problems. Contact Renee Ewing.
Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
330 N. Marietta St., Gastonia 28054.
Phone: (704) 862-7622
Veteran Services
Assists veterans and dependents who apply for benefits payable by the
Veterans Administration.
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
965 Roberts Drive, Gastonia 28052.
Phone: (704) 866-3606
AIDS Council
The AIDS Council of Gaston County Inc. provides education to stop HIV and
services to help persons affected by HIV infection. Services include:
free presentations on the dimensions of HIV disease
HIV seminars
Support groups for
people with HIV, their families and their friends
Emergency funds for
people with HIV
AIDS Information Line ,
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday and Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday.(704) 853-5101
Peer education group for youth
President: Sherri Putnam
Staff: Patty Busch
P.O. Box 1071, Gastonia 28053
Phone: (704) 853-5101
American Red Cross
Helps victims of disaster and families whose homes have burned. Also
offers help with communications to and from military families. Teaches
first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and water safety classes. Blood
services also provided. Serves the Gaston County area.
Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Answering service and disaster team on
24-hour call.
190 S. Oakland St., Gastonia
Phone: (704) 864-2623
Crisis Pregnancy Center of Gaston County
Responds to the needs of young girls and women in unplanned or stressful
pregnancies. The goal of the center is to offer free pregnancy testing,
counseling, education and information, maternity home placement, maternity
clothes, baby clothes, furniture and car seats. The center also offers
classes in childbirth, single-parent support groups, post-abortion
counseling and a 24-hour hotline. All services are confidential.
Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 3:30 to 7 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday.
3303 Union Road, Gastonia
Phone: (704) 867-3706
Gaston County Cancer Society Inc.
Aids local cancer patients and educates the general public about cancer.
Provides counseling and support groups for cancer patients, financial
assistance for medications and dressings and a loan closet for medical
equipment and sick-room supplies.
Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays
220 E. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia
Phone: (704) 864-1271 or (704) 866-8581
Gaston Memorial Hospital
A not-for-profit general and acute care facility with a staff of more than
1,900 and 250 active physicians, 442 beds, all in private rooms.
2525 Court Drive, Gastonia 28054
Phone: (704) 834-2000
Heart Society of Gaston County Inc.
Information and referral, including distress calls for financial help and
information on diet and heart ailments. Also offers blood pressure checks,
cholesterol screening, educational programs, support groups, loan closet
for medical equipment.
220 E. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia
Phone: (704) 865-1214
Hospice of Gaston County Inc.
Provides nursing, social, spiritual and bereavement services to terminally
ill persons and their families, promotes quality of life.
258 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia 28054
Phone: (704) 861-8405
New Life Pregnancy Services
Provides pregnancy testing, counseling for clients, client’s parents and
the father, education, maternity home placements, baby and maternity
items, WINGS (a support group called With Infant and Needing Group
Support), adoption information and referral, parent workshops, abstinence
education programs. Also operates Sunshine House maternity home. All
services are free and confidentiality is assured.
408 E. Eighth Ave., Gastonia.
Phone: (704) 854-8877 for an appointment or for more information.
[ General
Information | Fire
Prevention ]
[ Community Assistance | Handicapped Services | Support Groups ]
[ Substance Abuse | Services
for Aged | Parenting Support ]
Community Assistance
United Way of Gaston County
Includes 31 health and human service agencies in Gaston County and
operates the volunteer center and Information and Referral.
200 E. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia
Phone: (704) 864-4554
Information and Referral/Volunteer Center
A service that links people in need with appropriate services available in
the community. A service of the United Way of Gaston County.
200 E. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia
Phone: (704) 864-5788
Volunteer Center
Matches people who wish to volunteer their time with agencies needing
volunteers. A service of the United Way. Hours are 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
200 E. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia 28053-2597
Fax: (704) 864-9464
Phone: (704) 865-0820
Gaston Baptist Association
Provides clothing, food, utilities, wood for heating, some transportation.
Hours are 9-11:30 a.m. Monday through Thursday. Office is closed on
Fridays and holidays. Call for an appointment.
1607 Rankin Lake Road, Gastonia 28052
Phone: (704) 867-0905
Salvation Army Emergency Assistance &
Provides financial assistance, food, clothing and temporary emergency
shelter for men, women and children.
107 S. Broad St., Gastonia
Phone: (704) 867-6145
Alliance for Children and Youth
A United Way non-profit agency in Gaston County, initiates and fosters
family support services, education, and advocacy that promotes the
well-being and comprehensive development of children and adolescents ages
Alliance for Children and Youth and Kids for Standards at (704) 867-3512
Child Care Information: (704) 922-0199
Juvenile Restitution: (704) 852-3123
218 E. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia
Phone: (704) 867-3512
Family Service Inc.
Provides professional counseling for individuals and families, consumer
credit counseling, enrichment education programs, sexual assault and
domestic violence services and custody/visitation mediation.
214 E. Franklin Blvd.
Phone: (704) 864-7704
Consumer Credit Counseling Service
Consumer credit counseling including family budgets, debt reduction and
referral for financial assistance. Serves Gaston and Cleveland counties.
130 S. Oakland St., Gastonia 28052
Phone: (704) 862-0702
Gaston County Human Relations Commission
Assists with grievances and complaints of discrimination based on race or
sex in the areas of employment and housing with public and private
employers, provides educational programs, mediation and community
workshops on diversity and race relations.
965 Roberts Drive, Gastonia
Phone: (704) 866-3692
Gaston County Family YMCA
Puts Christian principles into practice through family child care,
fitness, sports, aquatics and teens and senior programming.
615 W. Franklin Blvd.
Phone: (704) 865-8551
East Gaston Y
196 YMCA Drive, Belmont, located off Highway 273 heading into Mount Holly.
Phone: (704) 825-9140
Gaston Literacy Council
Teach adults one-on-one basic reading and writing skills. Coordinates peer
tutoring programs for youth.
116 Marietta St., Gastonia
Phone: (704) 868-4815
Gaston Community Action
Services include Head Start program, home weatherization, total family
assistance, volunteer income tax assistance once a year. Serves people
below the poverty level in the Gaston County area. Head Start program
serves Gaston, Lincoln and Cleveland counties. Charter kindergarten serves
Gaston county. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays-Fridays, other
times by appointment.
332 S. York Road, Gastonia
Phone: (704) 866-8721
Gaston County Natural Resources Department
Provides leadership and natural resource technical and engineering
assistance to the people of Gaston County to improve and sustaint their
soil, water, air, plant and wildlife resources. Assistance ranges from
helping with individual problems to helping a municipality with watershed
Gaston County Citizens Resource Center,
1301 Cherryville Highway, Dallas
Phone and Fax: (704) 922-4181
North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Provides educational information from North Carolina State University in
agriculture, home economics, community and rural development, 4-H and
other youth programs. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Gaston County Ciizens Resource Center,
1303 Dallas-Cherryville Highway, Dallas
Phone: (704) 922-0301
[ General
Information | Fire
Prevention ]
[ Community Assistance | Handicapped Services | Support Groups ]
[ Substance Abuse | Services
for Aged | Parenting Support ]
ARC of Gaston County
Helps people with developmental disabilities access resources in the
community, provides information and referral, case management and serves
as an advocate for people with mental retardation.
200 E. Franklin Blvd., United Way Building, Gastonia.
Call: (704) 861-1036
Camp Sertoma of Gaston County
Summer recreational and developmental programs for people with mental
retardation and people with speech and hearing impairments.
Dallas-Cherryville Highway, Dallas.
Call: (704) 922-9579, 861-1036
Pathways MH/DD/MA
2505 Court Drive, Gastonia 28054
Call: (704) 867-2361
Gaston Residential Services
Residential services for adults in Gaston county with developmental
419 S. York St., Gastonia 28052
Call: (704) 861-9280
Goodwill Industries of the Southern
Vocational rehabilitation for the handicapped in a transitional setting.
Fee usually paid by the State Department of Vocational Rehabilitation or
through the Job Training Partnership Act. Serves Gaston County residents.
P.O. Box 668768, Charlotte 28266
Call: (704) 372-3434
Gastonia store at Dixie Village
Shopping Center
2549 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia 28054
Call: (704) 864-2225
Gastonia store at Franklin Square
1004 S. Church St., Lowell, 28098
Call: (704) 824-1322
Holy Angels
Developmental and residential programs for people with mental retardation
and physical disabilities. Services include group homes, residential
center, Camp Hope, Great Adventure Club, Life Choices. Serves all of North
6600 E. Wilkinson Blvd., Belmont 28012
Call: (704) 825-4161
North Carolina Division of Vocational
Rehabilitation Services
Helps those in Gaston and Lincoln counties who have significant physical
or mental disabilities to become successfully employed.
109 W. Eighth Ave., Gastonia 28054
Call: 853-5358
2535 Court Drive, Gastonia 28054
Call: (704) 853-5356
P.O. Box 1918, Lincolnton 28093
Call: (704) 483-4409
[ General
Information | Fire
Prevention ]
[ Community Assistance | Handicapped Services | Support Groups ]
[ Substance Abuse | Services
for Aged | Parenting Support ]
Gaston Community Action
Services include weatherization of homes for elderly who meet federal
poverty guidelines. Serves Gaston, Lincoln and Stanley.
Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday
P.O. Box 1653, 332 S. York Road, Gastonia 28053-1653
Phone: (704) 866-8721
Gaston County Department of Social Services
Includes chore services, foster care for adults and special assistance for
Fee: Determined by services performed
333 N. Marietta St., Gastonia, 28052
Phone: (704) 866-3800
Gaston County Adult Services Division
Services include home-delivered and group meals, transportation,
information and referral, in-home aid services, adult social work
services, adult placement services, community alternative program for
disabled adults, adult daycare and employment services.
Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays
Fees: Charged for adult daycare on sliding scale.
333 N. Marietta St., Gastonia
Phone: (704) 862-7540
Adult Day Care Center
Provides daytime supervision and socialization for older adults.
S. New Hope Road
Phone: (704) 866-3676
Belmont: 402 N.
Main St.
Phone: (704) 825-5428
Social Security Administration
Provides benefits to elderly who are retired, survivors and disabled
individuals and an information and referral service.
Hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday
Phone (800) 772-1213: 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Friday
215 W. Third Ave., Gastonia 28052
Phone: (704) 854-3972
[ General
Information | Fire
Prevention ]
[ Community Assistance | Handicapped Services | Support Groups ]
[ Substance Abuse | Services
for Aged | Parenting Support ]
Adoption Information Exchange
Support group for adult adoptees and birth parents, search help available.
Call: (704) 537-5919
Adult Survivors of Incest Support Group
Meetings: 10 a.m. to noon Thursdays, Family Service Inc. of Gaston County,
214 E. Franklin Blvd. Fees based on sliding scale.
Call: (704) 864-7704.
AIDS/HIV Support Group
For people with AIDS or HIV infections, their families and friends.
Call: (704) 853-5101, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Better Breathers Club
Meetings: 3 p.m., last Thursday of each month at the Gaston County Cancer
Society, 220 E. Franklin Blvd.
Call: (704) 864-1271
Birth and Beyond: The ABCs of Parenthood
Classes cover birth options, labor and delivery, new parenthood, child
health and safety, breastfeeding and siblings.
Classes: 7 to 9:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Call: (704) 834-2229.
Cancer — POWER
The Program for Oncology Wellness with Education and Rehabilitation is for
all individuals diagnosed with cancer recently or many years ago. Services
include an exercise and rehabilitation program, stress management, chat
group, smoking cessation, nutrition information, Hospice introduction,
prostate cancer support group, grief counseling and pharmacy information.
Call: (704) 834-3551 for information, including meeting times.
Cardiac Connection
This group provides fellowship and emotional support for people recovering
from cardiac episodes including heart attacks, bypass surgery and
congestive heart failure. Speakers each month cover topics including
anatomy of the heart, diet, depression and exercise. The group meets
Call: (704) 834-4149, Cathy Moore
Compassionate Friends
This a non-profit, no-fee support group for grieving parents.
Meetings: 7 p.m. first Tuesday each month at First Presbyterian Church,
1621 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia.
Call: John and Rose Stanley, (704) 865-7229
Crohn’s Disease/Colitis
These conditions, involving inflammatory bowel disease, cause pain,
bleeding and diarrhea. Although remission can be long, recurrence can be
sudden. The group provides basic information about the conditions and
other topics including stress management and nutrition.
Meetings: 7 p.m., fourth Tuesday of every month
Call: (704) 834-2251.
Diabetes Support Group
Education is the focus of the Diabetes Support Group. Members hear
speakers discuss topics including diet, foot care, stress management and
new medications.
Meetings: 7 p.m., fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. No meetings are
scheduled in June, July and August.
Call: (704) 834-2251.
Dissociative Disorder (Multiple
Personality) Group
Open-ended group. Counseling and assessment required. Cost based on
sliding scale.
Meetings 3:30 p.m., Wednesdays at Family Service Inc. of Gaston County,
214 E. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia.
Call: (704) 864-7704.
Domestic Violence Treatment Group
A 12-week program sponsored by Family Service Inc. of Gaston County, 214
E. Franklin Blvd. Fee is $20 per session, assessment required.
Meetings: 6 to 7:30 p.m., Thursdays or 10 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays for 12
Call: (704) 864-7704, Wendy Whisnant
This condition is a musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder causing
discomfort in muscles, ligaments, tendons and fibrous tissues of the body.
Members of the group share their experiences and learn effective coping
Meetings: 7 p.m., second Tuesday of each month
Call: (704) 834-2138.
Gamblers Anonymous
Meets: 7:15 p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Incarnation Lutheran
Church, 6400 Old Reid Road, Charlotte
Call: (704) 552-4633
Mothers Against Drunk Driving, support group for people who have lost
loved ones in wrecks caused by drunken drivers.
Meetings: 7 p.m., second Monday of each month, Gastonia City Police Dept.,
Long Ave.
Call: (704) 864-5179.
Mecklenburg Depressive/
Manic Depressive Association
Call: (704) 331-9500 for information.
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group
Members receive general information and the special reassurance of
relating to each other’s experiences.
Meetings: 10:30 a.m., third Saturday of the month at Gaston Memorial
Call: (704) 834-5100.
Narcotics Anonymous
This group meets seven days a week at different locations in the Greater
Gaston area.
Call: (800) 272-6184 for meeting times and locations.
Ostomy Club of Gaston County
Meetings: 7 p.m., third Monday of each month, 220 E. Franklin Blvd.
Call: (704) 864-1271.
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians
and Gays
Meetings: 7:30 p.m., the third Wednesday of each month at St. Mark’s
Episcopal Church, 258 E. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia or they can be reached
by mail at P.O. Box 101, Gastonia 28052.
Call: (704) 629-4881 or fax o (704) 629-3151.
Parents on the Mend
For non-offending partners of sexually molested children
Meetings: 10:30 a.m. to noon, each Thursday at Family Services Inc. of
Gaston County. Fee based on sliding scale.
Call: (704) 864-7704.
Parents Without Partners
Call: (704) 563-7458 for recorded listing of events and activities.
Parkinson’s Support Group
Provides information and support for patients with Parkinson’s Disease,
their caregivers and families.
Meetings: 6:30 p.m., the first Monday of each month except in January and
Call: (704) 834-2251.
Time Out Youth Group
This is a support group for gay, lesbian and bisexual teens and young
adults, ages 13 through 23.
Call: (704) 344-8335
[ General
Information | Fire
Prevention ]
[ Community Assistance | Handicapped Services | Support Groups ]
[ Substance Abuse | Services
for Aged | Parenting Support ]
Cornerstone Christian Center
Adult male residential alcohol/substance abuse, 120-day recovery center.
400 E. Fifth Ave., Gastonia, or write to P.O. Box 2074, Gastonia 28053.
Call: (704) 867-8749
Flynn Fellowship Home
Provides residential care to recovering alcoholic men through fellowship
with other recovering alcoholics, counseling and Alcoholics Anonymous.
311 S. Marietta St., Gastonia
Call: (704) 865-9395.
Pathways MH/DD/SA
Helps residents deal with alcohol and drug-related problems.
2505 Court Drive, Gastonia 28054
Call: (704) 854-4830
Insights and Recovery
DWI and substance abuse assessments and counseling.
359-D W. Main St., Gastonia 28052.
Call: (704) 868-8644
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets with recovering addicts on an anonymous basis. For more information,
write P.O. Box 145, Belmont 28012
Call: (800) 272-6184, 24-hour hotline.
New Beginnings of the Southern Piedmont,
Assessment, referral and counseling for individuals or groups for drug and
alcohol abusers.
430 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia
Call: (704) 854-9102 for more information.
Alcoholics Anonymous, Gaston Intergroup and
Al-Anon Family Services
Provides support groups to help cope with alcoholism. No fee.
212 South St., Gastonia.
Call: (704) 865-1561 for a schedule of meeting times and locations.
[ Mon - Tues
- Wed - Thurs - Fri
- Sat - Sun ]
Serenity Club, 11 a.m.; Hwy 74W and
Bethlehem Road, Shelby; open discussion.
New Freedom Group, noon, Scout Hut, 502
Brooks St. Belmont; open discussion
Tri-City Alano Club/Lunch Group, noon, 124
Depot St., Forest City; open discussion
Stepping Stone Group, 12 noon; Flynn Home,
311 S. Marietta St., Gastonia; open book study.
Cup Group, 7:30 p.m., First ARP Church, 317
S. Chester St., Gastonia; closed discussion.
New Hope Group, 8 p.m., St. Mark’s
Episcopal Church, corner of Franklin and York streets, Gastonia; closed
Three Oaks Group, 8 p.m., 301 S. New Hope
Road, Gastonia AA & Al-Anon; closed discussion; Big Book study, 8 p.m.
Mount Holly Group, 8 p.m., VFW Club,
Madison Drive, Mount Holly; open speaker
Fairfield Group, 8 p.m., Methodist Church,
Denver; closed discussion.
Serenity Club Meeting, 8 p.m., Hwy. 74 and
Bethlehem Road, Shelby; open book discussion
Serenity Club, 11 a.m., Hwy. 74 and
Bethlehem Road, Shelby; open discussion.
New Freedom Group, noon, Scout Hut, 302
Brooks St., Belmont; open discussion
Tri-City Alano Club/Lunch Group, noon, 124
Depot St., Forest City; open discussion
Stepping Stone Group, noon, Flynn Home, 311
S. Marietta St., Gastonia; open step study
Main Street Group, 8 p.m., Tri-City Alano
Club, 124 Depot St., Forest City; open speaker
Basics Too, 8 p.m., Scout Hut, 302 Brooks
St., Belmont; closed book study
The Gratitude Group, 8 p.m., Hwy. 74 and
Bethlehem Road, Shelby; open speaker
7&7 Group, 8 p.m., Recovery Center,
2505 Court Drive, Gastonia; open step study.
The Lawndale Group, 8 p.m., Bliss Center,
Lawndale; open discussion
YANA, 8 p.m., for women only; St. Mark’s
Episcopal Church, York and Franklin, Gastonia; closed discussion.
Bessemer City Group, 8 p.m., Community
Center, 14th Street, Bessemer City; open discussion.
Lincolnton Group, 8 p.m., Holy Cross
Lutheran Church, Hwy. 150 North Lincolnton; open speaker.
Denver Group, 8 p.m., Bethel Methodist
Church, Campground Road, Denver; closed discussion.
Dallas Group, 8 p.m., Holy Communion
Lutheran Church, Gaston Church, Dallas; open discussion, also Alanon/Teen.
Serenity Club, 11 a.m., Hwy. 74 West and
Bethlehem Road, Kings Mountain; open discussion.
New Freedom Group, noon, Scout Hut, 302
Brooks St., Belmont; open book study
Tri-City Anon Club/Lunch Group, noon, 124
Depot St., Forest City; open discussion
Stepping Stone Group, noon, Flynn Home, 311
S. Marietta St., Gastonia; open discussion.
Beginners Group, 8 p.m., Serenity Club,
Shelby,;open step study
The Rankin Lake Group, 8 p.m., Gaston
Baptist Association, Gastonia; closed discussion
The Belmont Group, 8 p.m., Scout Hut, 502
Brooks St., Belmont; open speaker
Beginners Group, 8 p.m., Sherrills Ford
Presbyterian Church, Sherrills Ford; closed discussion
Lincolnton Group, 8 p.m., Holy Cross
Lutheran Church, Hwy. 150 North, Lincolnton; open discussion.
Cornerstone Group, 8 p.m., Cornerstone
Christian Ministries, Fifth and Willow streets, Gastonia; open speaker.
Common Welfare Group, 8 p.m., St. John’s
Lutheran Church, Cherryville; closed discussion.
Main Street Group, 8 p.m., Tri-City Alano
Club, 124 Depot St., Forest City, open step study
Serenity Club, 11 a.m., Hwy. 74 and
Bethlehem Road, Shelby; open discussion.
New Outlook Group, 11 a.m., women only, The
Potters House, 1800 Burmil St., Ranlo; closed discussion.
New Freedom Group, noon, Scout Hut, 502
Brooks St., Belmont
Tri-City Club/Lunch Group, noon, 124 Depot
St., Forest City; open discussion
Stepping Stone Group, noon, Flynn Home, 311
S. Marietta St., Gastonia; open discussion.
Uptown Group, 7:30 p.m., First Methodist
Church, 190 E. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia; open discussion, last Thursday
Basics Too, 8 p.m., Scout Hut, 502 Brooks
St., Belmont; closed step study
Bessemer City Group, 8 p.m., Community
Center, 14th Street, Bessemer City; open speaker.
Fairfield Group, 8 p.m., Fairfield
Methodist Church, Fairfield at Triangle, Denver; closed discussion.
Mount Holly Group, 8 p.m., VFW, Madison
Drive, Mount Holly; open discussion.
The Fairfield Group, 8 p.m., Fairfield
Drive at Triangle, Denver,; open speaker.
Firestone Group, 8 p.m., West Presbyterian
Church, 1018 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia; closed discussion.
7&7 Group, 8 p.m., Recovery Center,
2505 Court Drive, Gastonia; open discussion.
Main Street Group, 8 p.m., Tri-City Alano
Club, 124 Depot St., Forest City; open book
Serenity Club, 11 a.m., Hwy 74 and
Bethlehem Road, Shelby; open discussion.
New Freedom Group, noon, Scout Hut, 302
Brooks St., Belmont; open discussion
Tri-City Alano Club/Lunch Group, noon, 124
Depot St., Forest City; open discussion
Stepping Stone Group, noon, Flynn Home, 311
S. Marietta St., Gastonia; open discussion.
Recovery Center, noon, 110 Colonial Village
Drive, Lincolnton; open discussion
Traditions Group, 8 p.m., St. Mark’s
Episcopal Church, 258 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia; open discussion, open
book last Friday of the month .
Mountaineer Group, 8 p.m., First
Presbyterian Church, Kings Mountain; open speaker
Three Oaks Group, 8 p.m., Myers Memorial
Methodist Church, 310 S. New Hope Road, Gastonia; open speaker.
Kings Mountain Group, 8 p.m., First
Presbyterian Church, Hwy. 74 Business, Kings Mountain; open speaker.
Denver Group, 8 p.m., Bethel Methodist
Church, Campground Road, Denver; open discussion.
El Viviendo Sobrio Group, Centro De
Recuperacion, 2505 Court Drive, Gastonia; se habla Espanol.
Saturday Morning Group, 10 a.m., Holy
Spirit Catholic, Hwy. 16, North West Port Community Center, Denver;
discussion for women.
Serenity Club, 11 a.m., Hwy. 74 and
Bethlehem Road, Shelby; open discussion.
Tri-City Alano Club/Lunch Group, noon, 124
Depot St., Forest City; open discussion
Conscious Contact Group, noon, Scout Hut,
Kenner Boulevard and Rook Street, Belmont; open discussion.
Main Street Group, 8 p.m., Triu-City Alano
Club, 124 Depot St., Forest City; open speaker
Serenity Group, 8 p.m., Serenity Club,
Shelby; open speaker
Cherryville Group, 8 p.m., First
Presbyterian Church, 107 Academy St., Cherryville; speaker meeting.
Saint Michael’s Group, 8 p.m., School
Building St. Michael’s Lane, Gastonia; open speaker.
Stepping Stones Group, 8:30 a.m., Flynn
Home, 311 S. Marietta St., Gastonia; open speaker
Serenity Club, 8.30 a.m., Hwy. 74 West and
Bethlehem Road, Shelby; open discussion.
Main Street Group, 8 a.m., Tri-City Alano
Club, 124 Depot St., Forest City; open discussion
7&7 Group, 1 p.m., Recovery Center,
2505 Court Drive, Gastonia; open speaker, Alanon.
Conscious Contact Group, 3 p.m., Scout Hut,
302 Brooks St., Belmont; open discussion.
Faith Group, 8 p.m., Lutheran Chapel, N.
New Hope Road, Gastonia; open speaker
Kings Mountain Group, 8 p.m., First
Presbyterian Church, Kings Mountain; open Big Book study.
The Red Door, 8 p.m., Civic Center, Pine
Street, Lincolnton; open speaker
Main Street Group, 8 p.m., Tri-City Alano
Club, 124 Depot St., Belmont; open discussion
Serenity Group, 8 p.m., Serenity Club,
Shelby; open discussion
[ General
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Prevention ]
[ Community Assistance | Handicapped Services | Support Groups ]
[ Substance Abuse | Services
for Aged | Parenting Support ]
Parenting Support
Alliance for Children and Youth
Promotes the comprehensive health and well-being of children and
adolescents through education, family support services, advocacy and a
variety of programs and workshops.
218 E. Franklin Blvd., P.O. Box 1695, Gastonia 28053-1695
Phone: (704) 867-3512
Gaston County Department of Social Services
Offers parenting classes for teens referred through the schools or the
health department. The group meets monthly for peer support groups that
focus on nutrition, development and self-esteem.
875 S. New Hope Road, Gastonia
Phone: (704) 866-3613
Gaston County Health Department
Offers parenting classes for maternity patients who come to the health
clinic. Other mothers may attend upon request. The classes are held in
conjunction with Lamaze classes.
991 W. Hudson Blvd., Gastonia
Phone: (704) 853-5005
Pathways MH/DD/SA
Offers parenting classes two times a day on Tuesdays, from 10:30 a.m. to
noon and again from 6:30 to 8 p.m. These are 10-week sessions with topics
including child development, communication, discipline versus punishment,
what’s appropriate at what stage for youngsters, power struggles between
parent and child and more. Pre-registration required.
2505 Court Drive, next to Gaston Memorial Hospital, Gastonia
Phone: (704) 867-4411
Gaston Memorial Hospital
Offers a seven-week birth and parenting class for expectant parents. The
class covers birthing options, infant care, child health and safety and
2525 Court Drive, Gastonia
Phone: (704) 834-2229
Family Services Inc. of Gaston County
This agency offers a parenting class and a parent/child seminar as well as
family and individual counseling.
214 E. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia
Phone: (704) 864-7704
North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Parenting workshops are offered to schools, businesses, clubs and churches
upon request. Topics may include discipline, keeping children safe at
home, building self-esteem and more. The service offers free brochures on
a variety of parenting issues.
Gaston County Citizens Resource Center on Highway 279 next to Biggerstaff
Park, Dallas or mail to P.O. Box 476, Dallas 28034
Phone: (704) 922-0302
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Did you know?
Each day, an average of three kids die in home
fires — 1,100 children each year. About 3,600 children are injured in house
fires each year. Ninety percent of child fire deaths occur in homes without
working smoke alarms.
Although smoke alarms are in 92 percent of
American homes, nearly one-third don’t work because of old or missing
A working smoke alarm reduces the risk of dying
in a home fire by nearly half.
There are simple changes that could save your
life and protect you against a fire in your home. Measure your household
safety with the following fire safety checklist.
Change Your Smoke Alarm Batteries
Fire experts nationwide encourage people to
change smoke batteries at least annually. An easy way to remember to change
your batteries is when you turn your clock forward in the spring. Replace old
batteries with fresh, high quality alkaline batteries.
Check Your Smoke Alarms
After inserting a fresh battery in your smoke
alarm, check to make sure the smoke alarm itself is working by pushing the
safety test button.
Count Your Smoke Alarms
Install at least one smoke alarm on every level
of your home, including the basement and family room and most important,
outside all bedrooms.
Vacuum Your Smoke Alarms
Each month, clean your smoke alarm of dust and
cobwebs to ensure their sensitivity.
Change Your Flashlight Batteries
To make sure your emergency flashlights work
when you need them, use high-quality alkaline batteries. Note: Keep a working
flashlight near your bed, in the kitchen, basement and family room, and use it
to signal for help in the event of a fire.
Install Fire Extinguishers
Install a fire extinguisher in or near your
kitchen and know how to use it. Should you need to purchase one, experts
recommend an all-purpose fire extinguisher that is listed by an accredited
testing laboratory.
Plan and Practice Your Escape
Create at least two different escape routes and
practice them with the entire family. Children are at double the risk of dying
in a home fire because they often become scared and confused during fires.
Make sure your children understand that a smoke alarm signals a home fire and
that they recognize its alarm.
Here are simple fire safety tips when you take
care of children.
Planning and prevention…
Protect yourself and the children you’re
watching against fire by taking simple precautions.
Every household should have an escape plan.
When you baby-sit, discuss what to do in case of fire with the adults in the
Be familiar with house. Learn all the exits,
and know how to unlock doors and windows. Know two ways out of each room,
especially bedrooms.
All households should have a meeting place
outside where everyone gathers after escaping a fire. Have the adults show you
the meeting place, and don’t confuse children with a different plan.
Discuss the escape plan and meeting place with
the children. Make sure every child knows where to meet outside.
Be sure you know the location of a neighbor who
will be home. In case of fire, you will have to call the fire department from
the neighbor’s phone.
In the Kitchen…
Keep anything that can burn, such as books,
paper and clothing, at least 3 feet (1 meter) away from space heaters. Keep
children away from space heaters, too.
Cook only if you have permission from the
adults in the household. Never leave cooking unattended. Set a time to remind
you to turn everything off.
Don’t let pot handles stick out over the edge
of the stove. Turn them in to prevent spilling hot liquids.
Never put anything into a microwave unless you
are absolutely sure it is safe. Paper, glass, and microwave-proof earthenware
are safe. Metals, including aluminum foil, are not. Read and follow the
instructions on all packaged microwave meals.
Keep children away from the microwave. be
careful when removing covers from microwave containers; escaping steam can
cause severe burns. Cool all foods sufficiently before serving them to
Other helpful tips…
Never smoke while babysitting. If you find
matched, lighters or other smoking materials, put them up high where children
can’t see or reach them.
You should keep children in your sight every
minute, until you are sure they are sound asleep. Even then, make sure you can
hear them if they wake up.
In case of a fire, remember to call the fire
department, don’t go back inside the house, and if you can’t get to the
children call emergency services and tell them they are trapped inside.
Emergency Tips…
Stop, Drop and Roll
If your clothing catches fire: Stop, don’t
run. Drop to the ground, and cover your face with your hands. Roll over and
over until the fire goes out. Babysitters may have to help children do this.
Pull the child to the ground, and roll him or her over and over to smother the
— National Fire Protection Association
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